
We long to see every Christian released to be good news in the whole of life, or spheres of life, in the Ipswich region: in Arts, Business and Workplace, Education, Family, Health, Media, Politics and Social Action and Sport.

Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Welcome

This sphere is working to provide a warm welcome to refugees and Asylum seekers. The sphere is currently focused in two areas – welcome for Ukrainian refugees focused on jobs, homes and English. Separately a Day Centre for Asylum seekers is being established.

Health and Wellbeing

This sphere is seeking work collaboratively with the Integrated Care Board to address health inequalities in Ipswich. A Faith and Health working group has been established that is investigating key priorities and first funding has been received to address mental health first aid.


Ipswich in Prayer is well established and co-ordinates prayer across the town, facilitating prayer meetings, prayer vigils, praying for our civic authorities and the annual Crown Him event.

For more details https://ipswichinprayer.co.uk/


A small focus group is currently meeting to develop a strategy and we are looking for more members of that group.

Education / Aspiration

This sphere is focused on raising the level of aspiration amongst children and young people in the town. Currently we are focused on engagement with the Ipswich Social Mobility Alliance and the Festival of Youth Voices which will then co-create a social mobility strategy.

Social Economy

This sphere is focused on developing the social economy in Ipswich. In collaboration with the University of Suffolk we are founder members of the Suffolk Social Enterprise Alliance and will be running boot camps and peer learning groups as well as developing a town wide strategy.

Cost of Living / poverty

This sphere has focused on warm spaces through the winter, working with the churches in Ipswich we have coordinated 23 places of warmth, friendship and refreshment.

Arts and Media

This sphere is now in progress and is being spearheaded by Rev Rachael Revely who invites all interested artistic and creatives to reach out and make contact via Email.

Rachael has produced an introductory video about this sphere.

Politics and Social Action

This sphere is not yet established and we are interested in hearing from Christians involved in politics and social action.


This sphere is not yet established and we are interested in hearing from Christians involved in working with families.


This sphere is now underway with two Breakfast meetings completed which provided a time to inspire and encourage what is being thought about or already being done.