about us


Christians in Ipswich held a conference in April 2021, “Ipswich I’m in”, to celebrate the many initiatives underway to support those in need in the town and to explore how to do more together.

There was a recognition of the need to become more strategic and more co-ordinated through developing mechanisms for:

•Dialogue with civic leaders and statutory agencies (an 'Engagement Vehicle')

•Enabling creative responses to identified gaps in provision / shared priorities (a 'Delivery Vehicle)

Among the many positive outcomes from the 'Ipswich I’m in' conference was an offer from Ipswich Borough Council to identify an officer as a key conduit into the council, highlighting the need for the Christian Community to reciprocate.

As a result, a group of Church and Christian charity leaders met together in November 2021 and agree to set up an ‘Engagement Vehicle” to be known as “Together for Ipswich”.


The main purpose of Together for Ipswich is to provide a communication vehicle between the Civic Authorities, particularly the Local Authority, and the Christian churches, charities and people in Ipswich. This will enable a better understanding of how local policy impacts on ordinary people, and a way to explore shared initiatives and effective partnership.

Together for Ipswich will provide a single point of contact for Civic Authorities into the Christian Community in Ipswich.

Representatives will work together to facilitate a work programme that promotes Christian values and activities which serve identified need and promote welfare and community cohesion across the town.

Over time we envisage their being representatives and ambassadors for Together for Ipswich that represent every Church across the town, Christian Charities and the sectors of Arts, Business, Education and Health. We envisage a lively and passionate prayer movement. We also envisage new initiatives that can be seeded and grown in areas such as employment, mental health, housing, youth work, families and children, domestic abuse, race, gangs, money and debt and addiction.


As of 20th February 2023

Simon Barrington - Chair

Andy Douglas - Treasurer (from Feb 24)

Jonathan Barnes - Secretary

steering committtee

As of February 2024

Simon Barrington - Chair

Andy Douglas - Treasurer

Jonathan Barnes - Secretary

Alan Cutting - Cutting Across, Oasis, Burlington Baptist 

Jean Johnson - Catholic Church

John Beech - Help is Here

Jerry Brown - Colchester Road Baptist

Nathan Simmonds - Bethel Apostolic

Adam Earle - Ipswich & East United Reformed Churches 

Simon Scott - CYM

Andrew Jarrold - Salvation Army

Simon Harris - Burlington Baptist

Mark Crawley - Hope Church

Tom Mumford - Ipswich Deanery

Emma Knight - Ipswich Deanery

Emily Swinerd - Ipswich Deanery

Father Luke Goymour - St Mark's and St Mary Magdalen

Chris Ginn - Ipswich In Prayer

Chrissie Mclean - Ipswich In Prayer

Lolu Ogunniyi - Ipswich International Church


ADOPTED ON: Date 20th February 2023
NAME: The name of the Group shall be “Together for Ipswich”

AIMS: The aims of the group shall be:

• To provide a communication vehicle between the Civic Authorities, and the Christian churches, charities and agreed representatives from other sectors in Ipswich, to better understand how local policy impacts on ordinary people and to explore shared initiatives and effective partnership.

• To provide a single point of contact for Civic Authorities and other decision makers into the Christian Community in Ipswich.

• To work together to facilitate a work programme that promotes Christian values and activities which serve identified need and promote welfare and community cohesion across the town.

• To build a network of representatives and ambassadors that represent every Christian Church across the town, Christian Charities and the sectors of Arts, Business, Education and Health.

• To seed and grow new initiatives in areas such as employment, mental health, housing, youth work, families and children, domestic abuse, race, gangs, money and debt and addiction.

• To raise funds and awareness for Churches and charities and to provide events and activities to benefit the inhabitants of Ipswich.

POWERS: In order to achieve its aims the Group may:

a) Raise money
b) Make donations to local groups and charities
c) Open bank accounts
d) Take out insurance
e) Organise a volunteer group
f) Organise events
g) Work with other groups and exchange information
h) Do anything that is lawful which will help it to fulfil its aims


a)  Membership of the Group shall be open to any person over the age of 18 living or working in the local area who is nominated to represent a local Christian Church or local Christian Charity or sector and who is aligned with the aims of the group and willing to abide by legislation regarding Equality and Diversity, Health &Safety, Safeguarding and the other policies put in place by the Group. Individual Charities and Churches may have up to two [2] members.

b)  Every individual member shall have one vote at General Meetings.

c)  The Chairperson shall Chair all meetings of the Group.

d)  The quorum for the Group meetings shall be 25% of the currentmembership.

e)  The membership of any member may be terminated for good reason by theSteering Committee, but the member has a right to be heard by the Steering Committee before a final decision is made.


a)  The Group shall be administered by a Steering Committee including the Officers and Representatives elected at the Group’s Annual General Meeting.

b)  The Officers of the Steering Committee shall include: The Chairperson, The Vice-Chair, The Treasurer and the Secretary.

c)  The Representatives on the Steering Committee shall be those members who have been elected at the Group’s Annual General Meeting to be representative of the whole membership.

d)  The Officers and Representatives of the Steering Committee shall be eligible for the role if they have been proposed and seconded by the Group membership at the AGM and conform to current legislation i.e. not registered as bankrupt or been found guilty of any other offences that would exclude them from office.

e)  The Steering Committee shall meet 4 times a year, ideally quarterly.

f)  Voting by the Steering Committee shall be by a show of hands. If there is atied vote then the Chairperson shall have a second vote.

g)  The Steering Committee may by a two-thirds majority vote and for a goodand proper reason remove any Committee member, provided that person hasa right to be heard before a final decision is made.

h)  The Steering Committee may appoint another member of the Group as aSteering Committee member to fill a vacancy.

i)  The Steering Committee shall hold office for a period of up to 3 years. Ifafter this period they wish to continue in their role they may, if nominated and seconded by members of the Group, continue in their office for another 3 years.

j)  One third of the membership of the Steering Committee will be required to stand for re-election each year. For the first three years of existence those required to stand for re-election will be determined by alphabetical order.

k)  A list of expense limits shall be made available for all signatories/ Steering Committee and Group members.



The duties of the Chairperson are to:

  • Chair meetings of the Steering Committee and the Group

  • Represent the Group at functions/meetings that the Group has been invitedto

  • Act as a spokesperson for the Group when necessary


The duties of the Vice Chair are to:

  • Deputise for the Chair as required

  • Assist the Chair in fulfilling their duties, as requested

  • Assist the Chair in specific areas of responsibility as agreed.


The duties of the Secretary are to:

  • Take and keep minutes of the meeting

  • Prepare an agenda for meetings of the Steering Committee and the Group in consultation with the Chairperson

  • Maintain the Group membership list


The duties of the Treasurer are to:

  • Supervise the financial affairs of the Group

  • Keep proper accounts that show all monies collected and paid out by theGroup

  • Set and distribute the expense limits referred in i) above.

  • Report on finances to the Steering Committee at each meeting.


a)  Any monies obtained by the Group shall be used to meet the aims and objectives of the Group.

b)  Any bank accounts opened for the Group shall be in the name of the Group.

c)  Any cheques issued shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other nominated official.


a)  The Group shall hold an AGM in the month of February.

b)  The Group shall hold an AGM in the same month annually with no morethan 15 months between each AGM.

c)  All members of the Group shall be given at least 7 days notice of theAGM and shall be entitled to attend and vote. The quorum for an AGMshall be 25% of the current membership of the Group.

d)  The business of the AGM shall include:

• Receiving a report from the Chairperson on the Group’s activities

  • Receiving a report from the Treasurer on the finances of the Group

  • Electing new Steering Committee members and Officers

  • Considering any other matters as may be decided


A Special General Meeting may be called by the Steering Committee or by any members of the Group to discuss an urgent matter. The Secretary shall give all members five days notice of any Special General Meeting together with notice of the business to be discussed. All members are entitled to attend and vote.


Any changes to this Constitution must be agreed by at least two-thirds of those members present and voting at any Annual General Meeting.


The Group may be wound up at any time if agreed by two-thirds of those members present and voting at any General Meeting. In the event of winding up, any assets remaining after all debts have been paid shall be given to another Group with similar aims.

This constitution was adopted at a General Meeting of the Group on 20th February 2023