TOGETHER for Ipswich

Together for Ipswich is here to provide a communication vehicle between the Civic Authorities, particularly the Local Authority, and the Christian churches, charities and people in Ipswich. This will enable a better understanding of how local policy impacts on ordinary people, and a way to explore shared initiatives and effective partnership.

More About Us


Simon Barrington talks about the vision for Together For Ipswich

Difference – following Jesus in a complex and divided world

I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but the world appears to be in a bit of a mess. Sadly, the church also seems to be in a bit of a mess. So we should probably assume that much of our community, and many of our households and relationships are in a mess as well.

Soon the world will hang its collective head in shameful acknowledgement of it being 500 days since the largest massacre of Jews since the holocaust, and not long ago it was 1,000 days since the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine began. With The State of Israel’s brutal response, with North Korean troops sniffing around in Eastern Europe, and with a Trump Presidency in the Divided States of America underway, what will the remainder of 2025 hold for the Middle East, Eastern Europe, for the UK, for the world?

And more to the question - how well are we equipping our church communities to navigate conflict, and to be salt and light in such an uncertain and broken world - not only in relation to global issues, but also (and more realistically) in addressing the fragmentation that exists in our own lives, and that of our households, our churches, our broader Christian community and inter-church relationships, and our neighbourhoods, with their various cultures and worldviews?

We hold a deep conviction in the fundamental importance of reconciliation in the gospel – we have been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, and have been given the ministry (or message) of reconciliation. If the Mission of God is the summation of all things in Christ - of Shalom - then how can this become a reality unless we grasp the centrality of reconciliation in the gospel? Whether we’re in church or at work, watching football or stuck in a traffic jam, we, the grateful community of the redeemed, are called to be those who gather, not divide; those who build bridges, not walls.

And so, on behalf of Together for Ipswich, Simon Barrington and Alan Cutting offer “Difference” – a five-week exploration of some of these issues, with the aim of equipping maybe 15-20 key activists from our Ipswich churches – Christ-followers of different confessions, ages, backgrounds and ethnicities - to explore, to understand and begin to seriously contend with issues of conflict, angst and fragmentation within our society. How can we commit to gather and not to divide; to build bridges not walls? How can we take the necessary steps towards building peace and experiencing shalom, be it in our workplaces, our churches, our families - and in the secret place of our own hearts?

We’ll be using material from The Difference Course - - which “explores what it means to follow Jesus in a complex and divided world. Participants are equipped to cross divides, navigate disagreement, practice forgiveness, and pursue a just and flourishing world.”

NEW DATES. The course will take place at the Salvation Army, 558 Woodbridge Rd, Ipswich IP4 4PH, on five consecutive Monday evenings, starting on 3rd March 2025, at 7pm.

Please message or call Alan Cutting on 07834 693144, or email him on if you would like to join this course, or to hear more about it.


We long to see every Christian released to be good news in the whole of life, or spheres of life, in the Ipswich region: in Arts, Business and Workplace, Education, Family, Health, Media, Politics and Social Action and Sport.

The Christian community can take strategic action together in all of the spheres of life, to engage with and bless the Town of Ipswich. For example through tackling the Cost of Living Crisis, enabling welcome of Ukrainian guests and tackling challenge of providing affordable accommodation.

Together we can see transformation in all areas of life.

Refugee, Asylum Seeking and Migration Sphere

In liaison with our local authorities and other civil partnerships, the Together for Ipswich acts as a bridge between the 80+ churches in town, and the local authority, civic and volunteer agencies, all for the well-being of the town's residents and society.  A growing number of our churches are supporting our refugee and asylum seeking communities, and working towards their integration into the town.
On the basis of my working knowledge of the Eastern Slavic region, my hands-on experience with various disaster and refugee responses around the world, and my love for seeing practical expressions of the One Church in a town, on the outbreak of the present conflict in Ukraine in March 2022, Together for Ipswich asked me to coordinate their Ukraine Response - now called our 'Refugee, Asylum Seeking and Migration Sphere' to reflect its growing involvement with other new-to-Ipswich communities.  
Our Ukraine page highlights some of the things we have been doing in the Ukraine Response, and the values that underpin those actions.

Alan Cutting
help is here

easy to find PRACTICAL HELP

'Help is Here' is a website that catalogues the social action programmes from all the churches and Christian charities in Ipswich to make the information easy to find and engage with. Watch the video here for more information of click one of the buttons below.


Join the Together for Ipswich Facebook group where there is lots more information and chat about how Ipswich is coming together.


Liz Beaton

Father we thank you.

That you have brought us, Your Church in Ipswich, together at this time, uniting us in prayer and calling us to serve You as Your Body here.

Thank you that in the Bible we see the power of the Holy Spirit, the peace of Jesus, and the Blessing of the Father, released when your disciples are together. (John 20:19; Acts 2:1; Psalm 133)

Thank you that, gathering your disciples together, you gave them power and authority to go in your name and proclaim the kingdom, to bring healing and restoration, with your promise of protection. (Luke 9:1; Luke 10:19)

Thank you that we are being built together as members of One Body; that you are growing us in love for each other and for this place where you have called us to pray and work. (Eph 2:22; Eph 3:6; Eph 4:16;)

Send us out in the power of your Holy Spirit.

Make us truly one in heart and mind.

Teach us to pray;

That together we might serve you in humility and obedience, each playing our part, to see Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, lives transformed, and Ipswich alive in the plans and purposes you have for her. (Jeremiah 29:7,11; Phil 2:1-8; Matthew 6:10)

    working together with:

    Ipswich I'm In

    Link here to the outcomes of the two online conferences of 2021.

    Ipswich In Prayer

    "Across Ipswich there are many individuals, small groups and churches praying. Our aim is to serve the praying community in Ipswich, recognising our common purpose, as together we pray, ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done’."

    Inspiring Ipswich

    "Working together to inspire Ipswich through Church of England communities."